Relationship building

Relationships are what makes a rich life. Relationship with God and relationship with others. Relationships need investment if you want it to grow, or perhaps even to start. Giving a good first impression, better yet gaining trust is a start of a good relationship. God has invested so much into the relationship between God and... Continue Reading →

Best day

I had 2 dates today! One in the morning with my younger daughter which we hiked together. Then another in the afternoon with my older daughter where we went to have have treats together. It's such a blessing that I can have 2 dates in one day! God is a wonderful father. I am very... Continue Reading →


At this trip to the Philippines, we met many friends. Jeff and Winnie, Manny and Bell, Ardy and Bennie, etc. they are all working with a big perspective and being used by God in mighty ways. I believe the Philippines have a good future if people like them will increase! Not just the Philippines but... Continue Reading →

We are blessed

We made new friends yesterday. They are a family from Egypt who came to California by fleeing from religious persecution from their home country. They told us about their experience there; most likely just a small example, of their experiences. We had lunch together, and unexpectedly they invited us to their home for dinner! We... Continue Reading →


We received news that our father passed away. It was very sudden. We heard that he fell and cracked his ribs, and 2 days later he was taken to emergency room and passed away. Life can be very fragile. He was a strong person and we got along well. He loved our family and we... Continue Reading →

Christmas run

Some of our staff, their family and my family participated in a 5k Christmas run. I had my Santa costume on and ran 5k! It's my first time to participate in a running event but it was more fun than I thought. I received free massage and food after the run and it was goood!... Continue Reading →

No retirement!

I spent time with Pastor Alan for a few days. He is a former London stock exchange floor trader and now a pastor who travels and teaches around the world. He is a dangerous person! He has new injuries every time I meet him! He is always telling jokes. He has a heavy British accent and... Continue Reading →

Life of Abandon

We had our dear friends, Jeff and Winnie visit us from the Philippines. We have known for not too long but come to become very close friends. We have visited them at their home in the Philippines once or twice a year and taken our family there several times. They are like a family to... Continue Reading →

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